Beetroot juice in mason jars

The Best Cold-Pressed Juice Recipe for Sleep

The best cold-pressed juice recipe for sleep

Are you having trouble falling asleep?

No matter if you find it hard to fall asleep for no known reason, or you are suffering from insomnia, addressing the issue is very important.

One of the easiest steps in resolving this issue is to simply look at the food you’re eating.

Often those who experience difficulties falling asleep have anemia. This cold-press juice recipe for sleep recipe can help increase hemoglobin levels, which will calm your nerves and give you peace of mind.


Naturopress Cold Press Juicer

Use the following ingredients and put them through your cold-press juicer.



  • 6-8 sticks of celery
  • 4 medium-sized beetroots
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 inch of fresh ginger
  • 1/2 lemon

Using the cold press juicer, juice all ingredients together. Remember to thoroughly wash the ingredients first. Enjoy!

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