Lemon & Ginger Green Juice Recipe
Lemon and ginger green juice is a delicious, energizing drink that's perfect for an early morning pick-me-up. The combination of lemon and ginger aids in digestion by stimulating saliva production and increasing bile flow in the intestines. Drinking lemon & ginger green juice can help improve skin health due to its high levels of vitamin C, which helps boost skin regeneration and collagen production.
Here's how to make it with your cold press juicer:
2 stalks of celery
1 medium cucumber
1 small handful of fresh parsley or cilantro
1/2 lime or lemon, peeled
1 small green apple (optional)
Wash and chop the celery, cucumber, parsley or cilantro, lime or lemon, and green apple (if using).
Run the ingredients through a juicer, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Stir the juice to combine the ingredients and serve over ice, if desired.
Note: If using a blender, add 1/2 cup of water and blend until smooth. Then, strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any solids.
This recipe is good for detoxifying , Hydrating, alkalizing your body and supporting your digestion. It is low in sugar and high in fiber, so it’s great for weight loss and overall health. The combination of celery, cucumber, parsley, lime and green apple is a powerful detoxifying and alkalizing drink.
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