Guavas (Psidium guajava) are a fruit grown in subtropical regions such as Mexico, Central America, and South America. Guavas are also often preserved and made into jellies and jams due to the high level of pectin found in the pulp of the fruit. Aside from the fruit itself, leaves can be processed into herbal teas, and some people even take supplements made from guava leaf extract.
Although guavas may not currently be a mainstay in your diet, they’re certainly worth a try! Their high levels of vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants make guavas quite the nutritional contender in comparison to other fruits. Guavas in fruit form contain quite a bit of soluble dietary fibre (about 9 grams per medium fruit – partially in thanks to the small edible seeds), but this is typically the only nutrient lost when juicing. If you’d like to add a bit of tropical flair to your fruit or vegetable juice, guava might be what you’re looking for!
Guava Juice & Immune Health
Like many other citrus fruits, guava is a rich source of vitamin C. One medium guava (55 g) contains approximately 126 mg vitamin C, which is slightly more than what is found in an orange (about 113 mg). In comparison, the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C for healthy non-smoking adults is 75-90 mg. As you can see, just one guava can easily fulfil your daily needs.
As you may already know, vitamin C is vital for immune health. Inadequate vitamin C intake can allow for an increased risk of developing infections and other illnesses. While taking megadoses of vitamin C to prevent catching a cold amounts to nothing more than an old wives’ tale, having an adequate intake of vitamin C can help to decrease the duration of cold symptoms. Vitamin C plays a role in the upkeep of white blood cells, which have essential functions in immunity and protection of the body against pathogens and illness.
Guava Juice & Eye Health
As we’ve already established, guava juice contains high levels of vitamin C. What you may not have already known is that vitamin C plays a role in eye health. By protecting the health of blood vessels within the eye, vitamin C can protect against the development of eye diseases associated with aging such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts.
Guava & Diabetes
If you have diabetes, it’s likely that you (intentionally or not) limit your intake of fruit and other foods high in sugar to eat fewer carbohydrates and manage your blood sugar. However, a medium guava only contains about 5 grams of sugar, and with a low glycemic index, this sugar releases slowly into the bloodstream. For people with or at risk of diabetes, this is a good thing – as the insulin response required is lower, and blood sugar levels stay more consistent.
Guava Juice & Pregnancy
It’s completely normal to second-guess everything you eat and drink while (or trying to become) pregnant. However, guava juice isn’t something you need to worry about. Guavas contain folic acid (vitamin B9), which is critical for the development of the fetal spinal cord and nervous system development during the early weeks of pregnancy. It is recommended that women who are or trying to become pregnant consume 4 mg folic acid per day to prevent neurological disorders in the fetus such as spina bifida and anencephaly. Of course, several other nutrients found in guava are important during pregnancy – such as vitamin B12, vitamin C, and antioxidants.
Guava Juice & Heart Health
Guava juice is even good for the health of your heart! Guavas contain high levels of potassium, which can help regulate blood pressure. High blood pressure (hypertension) is a risk factor for a multitude of severe medical conditions such as heart attack, stroke, and congestive heart failure. By providing support to capillaries which then circulate blood throughout the body, potassium can promote healthy blood pressure levels, reducing hypertension. Additionally, guava leaf extract has been found to decrease LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol, both of which are helpful for optimal heart health. In fact, one study even found that 12 weeks of guava consumption decreased total cholesterol by 10%, increased HDL cholesterol by 8%, and decreased blood pressure by as much as 9 points. Of course, if you have high blood pressure, you should not rely solely on guava juice for management of your condition, but it can certainly help to support your heart health in a holistic, delicious way.
Guava Juice & GI Health
If you suffer from occasional diarrhea, guava juice can help relieve your symptoms. Guava possesses antimicrobial properties, and consuming guava juice can help you fight off the development and growth of diarrhea-causing bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and rotavirus.
Guava Juice & Healthy Skin
Guavas contain high levels of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lycopene, and flavonoids, all of which are well-known for their roles in combating free radicals. When it comes to your skin, this means inhibition of the aging process – most notably by preventing the skin from wrinkling excessively – especially after long-term sun damage. Antioxidants can also help fight infections and inflammation affecting the skin, allowing it to stay healthy.
Guava Juice & Weight Loss
Like just about every other food, guavas do of course contain calories. However, they are low-calorie, nutrient-dense, and delicious – all important factors when embarking on a weight loss journey. A medium guava contains just 37 calories yet provides high levels of several vitamins and minerals. If you’re trying to lose weight, adding guava juice to your fresh cold-pressed vegetable juice can add a burst of flavour without adding a ton of calories or sugar.
To Wrap It Up
If you’ve been drinking the same boring juice on a daily basis and feel like you need a certain something to make it a little more exotic and nutritious, guava juice might just be what you’re looking for. Not only do guavas provide numerous health benefits – but they’re also delicious!
Important Notice
This article is meant for information purposes only. No action or inaction should be taken based on this information. Instead, website users should consult their relevant healthcare providers on matters relating to health. Article written by registered dietition Kathryn Bubeck RD.